International Phonetic Alphabet with sound files

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Pulmonic consonants

Bilabial Labiodental Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Retroflex Alveolo-palatal Palatal Velar Uvular Pharyngeal Glottal
Plosive p    b t    d ʈ    ɖ c    ɟ k    g q    ɢ ʔ      
Nasal       m       ɱ       n       ɳ       ɲ       ŋ       ɴ
Trill       ʙ       r       ʀ
Tap or Flap              ɾ       ɽ
Fricative ɸ    β f    v θ    ð s    z ʃ    ʒ ʂ    ʐ ɕ    ʑ ç    ʝ x    ɣ χ    ʁ ħ    ʕ h    ɦ
Lateral fricative ɬ    ɮ
Approximant       ʋ       ɹ       ɻ       j       ɰ
Lateral approximant       l       ɭ       ʎ       ʟ
Affricate p͡ɸ       p̪͡f       t͡θ    d͡ð t͡s    d͡z t͡ʃ    d͡ʒ ʈ͡ʂ    ɖ͡ʐ t͡ɕ    d͡ʑ c͡ç    ɟ͡ʝ k͡x       q͡χ       ʡ͡ħ      

Non-pulmonic consonants

Clicks Implosives Ejectives
ʘ Bilabial
ǀ Dental
ǃ Alveolar
ǃ˞ Retroflex
ǂ Palatoalveolar
ǁ Alveolar lateral
ɓ Bilabial
ɗ Alveolar
ʄ Palatal
ɠ Velar
ʛ Uvular
p’ Bilabial
t’ Alveolar
ʈ’ Retroflex
c’ Palatal
k’ Velar
q’ Uvular

Other consonants

ʍ Voiceless labialized velar fricative
w Voiced labialized velar approximant
ɥ Voiced labialized palatal approximant


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ɪ • ʏ      ʊ
Close-mid e • ø ɤ • o
Open-mid ɛ • œ ʌ • ɔ
Open a • ɶ ɑ • ɒ

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